Entries from 2017-01-01 to 1 year

Lip Lifts, Augmentation and Reduction Cosmetic Surgery Clinic

If someone wants fuller pouty lips, there are several options. One is cosmetic surgery. Procedures such as lip lifts, lip rejuvenation and lip augmentation can give a man or woman larger lips. This procedure can be done on either the upper…

Important Hair Factors that Determine a Good Hair Transplant

While hair transplant surgeries have been becoming popular, there are a lot of clinics opening in India with competitive rates for hair transplant treatment. The hair transplant surgery cost in India differs from metropolitan cities to sma…

Why Do Men Get Gynecomastia Surgery? And Benefits of Male Breast Reduction

Men get gynecomastia surgery because they want to decrease the size of their enlarged breast. For some men and boys, they develop extra tissue in their breasts for a number of reasons. One reason a male develops extra breast tissue is beca…

Why you should go for Breast Lift?

It is always beautiful to see yourself in the mirror just like the way you want, and it is not only about the physical appearance but also about the confidence in yourself and your body. Breast plays a significant role in the female, and i…

Blepharoplasty for Removing Excess Fat & Skin from Eyelids

Some people may have excess sagging skin around the eyes. Even excess bagginess is seen in lower eyelids of some people. This is due to excess fat depositions and absence of the correct bridge between cheek fat and lower eyelids. Cosmetic …

Customized Treatments for Men at KAS Medical Center

KAS Medical Center is dedicating the month of June to the men in your life. Today in the workforce, men are in a very stressful environment with competitive jobs, long hours and the pressure to stay ahead of the company rival. After all th…

Best Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon in India: Contact to Book Your Appointment with Dr. Ajaya Kashyap

Dr. Ajaya Kashyap is the best cosmetic surgeon in India with over 26 years of experience in the cosmetic and plastic surgery field. He is a gifted medical professional specialized to perform the plastic surgery procedures. The best cosmeti…

Get Enhanced and Improved Facial Appearance with Aesthetic Cosmetic Procedures

Face is mirror to the world. Also, it is one of those body parts which need maximum correction due to signs of ageing. There are several factors which contribute to the process of ageing making you appear tired, gloomy and dull. Modern day…

Different Types of Breast Cosmetic Surgery - KAS Medical Center

When it comes to breast cosmetic surgery, most people immediately think of breast implants, though they are far from the only option when it comes to procedures to change the size or shape of the breasts. Breast augmentation Breast augment…

Lip Reduction Surgery – Get Rid of Extra-Large Lips!

Many women and men choose to opt for lip augmentation surgery for increasing the size of the upper or/and lower lips. Contrary to it, there are some people who feel that their lips are large in proportion to other facial features. Most peo…

Top 5 Most Popular Plastic Surgery for Men

Our society places a high value on looking young and fit. Today, men of all ages and all walks of life are requesting plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons. Men's goals may include a more balanced nose, a rejuvenated face, a trimmer waistli…

The Delhi Center for Dimple Creation Plastic Surgery

Those who feel they missed out by not being born with dimples can now have the situation corrected through plastic surgery. In a quick and simple procedure, dimples can be added to the cheeks or chin. Plastic surgeons can create dimples th…

Upper Body Lift Surgery at Dr. Kashyap Center

Human body has magnificent automatic mechanisms in place for growth and development. It also has a mechanism to reduce body size by contracting size of fat cells and contracting skin. After massive weight loss, the upper body area may not …